Author: JimG

  • Best Quiet Generators for Food Trucks

    Best Quiet Generators for Food Trucks

    It is often difficult to find the right generator for your food truck. With all of the different models and brands on the market, it can be hard to decide which one will work best for you. However, with this article, I hope to help make that decision a little easier. The best quiet generators…

  • Generator Won’t Stay Running: Causes & Quick Fixes

    Generator Won’t Stay Running: Causes & Quick Fixes

    A normal generator should start quickly, run smoothly and go off when turned off or when it runs out of fuel. In some cases, however, the generator may start well but shuts itself off after running for a few minutes. This can occur either immediately you start the generator or after running it for a…

  • What can you Run on a 2000-Watt Generator?

    What can you Run on a 2000-Watt Generator?

    The wattage rating of your generator dictates how much of a load the generator can carry per single time. The wattage on your devices, on the other hand, determines how much power the appliance will draw from the generator per unit time. A 2000-watt generator can run a cook with a 650 watt microwave of…

  • What Size Generator to Run Refrigerator and Freezer

    What Size Generator to Run Refrigerator and Freezer

    Refrigerators or freezers keep your food, both raw and cooked, fresh and longer. It is for this reason that a generator is essential especially if you are living in an area with unstable sources of power. Generator/freezer brands are built and work differently, and come in different wattage hence there is no single size generator…

  • 7 Best Dual Fuel Generators + Buy Guide

    7 Best Dual Fuel Generators + Buy Guide

    Dual fuel generators, often called hybrids, use two types of fuel to run with the advantage of having the best of both fuels. Most will use a combination of gasoline and propane with the advantage of each fuel being utilized. While gasoline is easily available and the most preferred generator fuel, propane has the advantage…

  • Can Generators Get Wet? How to Safely Run Gens in Rain, Snow & other Wet Conditions

    Can Generators Get Wet? How to Safely Run Gens in Rain, Snow & other Wet Conditions

    Generators are a very popular option for power outage situations. They can be used to keep your home cool, refrigerator running and even your television on However, they are not always the best choice for wet conditions. Generators can get wet if you store or run them in areas that are exposed to water. It…

  • How to Fix an Overloaded Generator

    How to Fix an Overloaded Generator

    Generator overloads can be caused by a variety of factors. Some generator models are more prone to overload than others, so it’s important to know the causes and how to prevent overloads if you’re using a generator. This blog post will discuss generator load, generator types, and show you how to avoid generator overloads in…

  • 3000-3500-watt Generator, What Will it Run?

    3000-3500-watt Generator, What Will it Run?

    The wattage of your generator refers to how much power it can generate per unit time. It also determines how much power electronics can draw from it over the same unit of time. Generally, the higher the generator wattage rating, the more the number of electronics you can run on it. As for electronics, they…

  • Portable Generators Safety Tips Checklist

    Portable Generators Safety Tips Checklist

    While generators are small in size, they provide lots of power which can be a risk to the users if not used properly. If you’re buying a generator for the first time or have little knowledge about how the safety measures for the generator work, you’re better off enlisting the services of an expert to…

  • What will a 700-Watt Generator Run?

    What will a 700-Watt Generator Run?

    As much as it may not sound big, a 700-watt portable can run a couple of low-power indoor and outdoor items including light bulbs, humidifiers, microwave oven, AM/FM radio, electric drill, inflator pump, TV, CRT computer, refrigerator plus more! When it comes to generators, the wattage refers to the amount of power it can generate.…